About Us

Mark Davenport

Founder & CEO

In 1996, Mark Davenport founded Karate For Youth.  The program quickly grew to include a summer camp and then, at the urging of the state, Mark opened his first child care center.  Karate For Youth proudly served the  Irvington community for 20 years before closing in 2017.

Mark then opened Destined For Greatness, providing high quality After School and Summer Camp programming for children in the Irvington community.  We are now adding evening Karate classes for pre-teens and teens and, soon we will be re-opening our partner program, Karate For Youth, where we will offer an adult fitness program, youth and adult karate classes, child care and art, dancing and acting classes.  

Together, Destined For Greatness and Karate For Youth will offer programming for all stages of life, from infancy through the childhood and teenage years, and into adulthood.